The brandguide

Péter Sher is a key figure of the Hungarian graphic design scene. He graduated as an engineer, worked as the web designer of Walt Disney Internet Group during his university years and then completed MOME’s typography. His graphic design studio called zwoelf digital has worked for prestigious clients including Waberer’s, Uniqa or OTP, amongst many others.
As an expert of visual branding, Péter did not only put his creative energies to work within the walls of zwoelf: he was also invited to the web design department of KREA Design School, where he first held design and theoretical courses and then became the head of the UI/UX department in 2014. “I consider continuous learning important, I love getting to know new things and school is the perfect milieu for this: everything changes quickly in the digital space, we need to be up-to-date all the time, we must improve – this helps me keep my level” – Péter told us.
Péter also strives to share his experiences with the emerging generation: he talks about his work experiences honestly, because he thinks that knowledge must be shared – he doesn’t understand the phenomenon of information jealousy, as he believes it is important to talk about issues that are still considered a taboo in the graphic design scene today. It could be a great help to junior graphic designers if a more experienced designer – without looking at them as competition – helped them find their way not only in the field of design, but also in the jungle of branding, customer management and self branding.
Seeing that has grown into an individual brand, he is working on a the richly illustrated book titled Branding and the visual response. (the link will open a new window) It will be a book for people who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the processes of branding and visual identity design.
+36 20 9311835
Visit the website of Peter's & strategy studio » zwoelf digital
The text above is an excerpt of an article pulished in Hype and Hyper magazine, 2020.